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I see message "Sobooster Search & Filter app - 1/14/2022 6:34:00 AM UTC." on my store
This means the store plan is expired. After the expiration, our widget will stop working on the theme it's set up. Please click the Upgrade button on our app admin panel to subscribe to our paid plan.
How to filter by metafield?
Please refer to our guide: How to filter by metafield.
How to access product properties to check whether it has "prefix"? Is it from the Shopify Admin?
Yes, it's from product attributes in Shopify admin. If you use Prefix for the filter, the app detects the tag prefix you set and displays the values starting with this prefix in the filter option.
For example, if products are tagged "color-red, color-black, color-grey", the prefix "color-" will tell our system to get only those tags starting with "color-" and extract the values behind the prefix (red, black, grey). In case your products are tagged with "black, blue, brown, etc.", please do not input the Prefix.
Why Shopify Plus stores are on different pricing models? Why it's more expensive?
We put Shopify Plus stores on different premium servers with Azure and AWS backup, and we put more priority on requests from Shopify Plus Stores.
We have processed payment multiple times. Is it a problem?
No, Shopify is smart enough to charge you once only. If you upgrade/ downgrade your plan, Shopify will cancel the previous one and apply the new subscription plan to your next billing.
Why do you have the USF Search Bestseller collection?
We use this to get the product order by Best selling. It's used for our sorting field in-app Settings/ Advanced. Please do not edit or edit this collection.
Will it automatically be billed, or do I need to sign up?
Please click on the Subscribe button to upgrade the plan. Shopify requires merchants to select the plan manually.
How to remove app codes? How to uninstall the app?
Please refer to our guide: How to remove app codes? How to uninstall app?
Would your app be the cause of the issues related to the product page or site header?
We do not interfere with anything on the product page or the header cart icon. In fact, they are in liquid, but our code is in Javascript, which is two different things, and our code can't cause those problems.
If you see anything wrong in the collection grid, it would be our issue; otherwise, there would be other causes.
How does Best Selling sort work under the hood?
We create a best-selling category in your store and gather the info from that collection. Yes, new products are automatically assigned to this collection. If you remove the app, you can also remove this collection.
Whenever I deploy my store code, the usf files revert themselves to their default code version without all my customization. How can I fix this?
There are several files in the assets folder you should exclude from your deployment in order to keep your customization intact. They are:
- usf.css
- usf-boot.js
- usf-custom.js
- usf.js
- usf-icons.svg
- usf-icons.ttf
- usf-icons.woff
I edited usf.js or usf.css file directly. Can you help recover that file for me?
We have a warning message at the beginning of the file not to modify them. Any direct changes would be lost, and we can't recover your changes. Only Shopify can do that.
My subscription was turned to trial after uninstalling and reinstalling the app. How can I fix this?
When you uninstall the app, Shopify cancels the subscription. Please subscribe again to clear the trial state and resume your subscription. Shopify does not create duplicate subscriptions when you re-subscribe. The subscription will continue without you being charged twice.
14 Days Risk Free Trial. No credit card required. Cancel anytime.